This Agreement is Made Between





This agreement begins upon acceptance. This package includes ({TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_SESSIONS}) 1:1 coaching sessions over 3 months, plus between-session support. Sessions must be scheduled to occur within this 3-month period; any remaining sessions will be considered waived unless the client and coach determine a new schedule together.

The services to be provided by the coach to the client are coaching or tele-coaching, as designed jointly with the client. Services include private coaching sessions, as well as support between sessions as designed jointly with the client. Coaching, which is not advice, therapy, or counseling, may address specific personal projects, business successes, or general conditions in the client's life or profession. Upon completion of this contract, both parties can assess whether and how to proceed with coaching on a continued basis.


The coach promises the client that all information provided to the coach will be kept strictly confidential. The client agrees to refrain from repurposing or adopting provided materials or processes for the client's own business and clients, unless the client first requests permission and the coach grants it.

Coaching Relationship

Throughout the working relationship, the coach will engage in direct and personal conversations. The client can count on the coach to be honest and straightforward in asking questions and making requests. The client understands that the power of the coaching relationship can be granted only by the client, and the client agrees to do just that: have the coaching relationship be powerful. 

In order for our relationship to achieve the maximum result, the client agrees to:

1.  Be on time for all appointments, and notify the coach at least 24 hours in advance if needing to arrive late or reschedule a session. Appointments missed without 24 hours’ notice will only be rescheduled at the coach’s discretion. The client also agrees to use the scheduling software (Satori) to cancel or reschedule sessions as needed, and to respect the time and energy of the coach by arriving on time for all scheduled calls, and keeping Telegram messages focused, on-topic, and purposeful.
2.  Come prepared for sessions and participate fully and openly. Make a commitment to engaging fully, taking action outside of sessions, and making the most of your experience. Commit to following through on actions and action plans designed jointly by the coach and client, or notify the coach if the plan does not unfold as expected, so we can find a path forward.

3. Take ownership over progress and learning. The client understands that success depends on their own energy, effort, motivation, and willingness to make productive changes. The client can maximize the results of the coaching by fully leveraging and applying their own inner resources, strengths, and creative problem solving skills.

4. Treat yourself with kindness. The client commits to being kind and compassionate with themselves during our time working together – celebrating successes and cultivating awareness of the ways you are growing, learning, and progressing. In short, you commit to supporting yourself as you would a dear friend.

5. Communicate feedback. If the client believes the coaching needs adjustment to best serve the client's needs, or the client's needs in the coaching relationship have changed, the client will communicate that information to the coach and take action to return the power to the coaching relationship.


I understand that I am working with {COACH_FULL_NAME} for professional coaching at the agreed fee. Professional coaching is distinctly different from counseling, psychotherapy or psychoanalysis and does not deal with the diagnosis or treatment of emotional problems. Since professional coaching does not constitute medical consultation or treatment, health insurance does not apply. These fees may be considered deductible business expenses.