Multipassionate: 3 Tips for Fusing Your Passions into a Cohesive Biz + Brand


“I have TWO big passions! How can I fuse them into one brand?”

I hear this question all the time, and I totally relate!

As a fellow multi-passionate person (I’m also a painter, singer, ran my own print shop on Etsy for a while, and have a background in project management) I totally get the desire to merge your many passions into your personal brand!

After all, your personal brand reflects YOU as a deeply complex human being!

It is totally POSSIBLE to successfully integrate your passions into your brand, if you know a few pitfalls AND opportunities to look out for.

Let’s take Suzy for example! Suzy has two passions: 

  • Leadership training for non-profit executives

  • Crafting boho-chic accessories out of recycled straws

How can she merge her two passions?

Here are a few questions she needs to think through:

Q1) Do your two passions serve the same customer well?

Suzy may argue that she’s serving the same customer with her two businesses (leadership training for non-profit executives and recycled accessories).

Do non-profit executives love recycled accessories? Maybe!

But it can muddy the waters and complicate the marketing. Suzy’s imagery and language will need to marry these two philosophies — seamlessly!

Her product photos will need to do the work of showing how executive leadership training and recycled accessories are part of the same story.

If we somehow manage to clear that hurdle, we reach the next question:

Q2) Do the offers send a consistent message about the value of your time?

Let’s look at Suzy’s two passions again:

  1. Executive leadership training - $1000 per hour

  2. Recycled accessories - $50 per product (1 hour to produce)

Suzy makes $1000 per hour as a leadership trainer. But her maximum revenue per product is $50/hour.

This sends mixed signals about the value of her time and expertise!

A leadership training client will wonder, “Why am I paying $1000 for one hour of time from someone who normally charges $50 per hour?”

Let’s assume that Suzy decides to change her business model to value her time equally. She charges $500 per hour for leadership training, and she finds a way to produce five $100 coin purses each hour, and market them in a way that they sell at that price. So now her hour is technically “worth” $500 either way.

So in theory, this question has been addressed… let’s move on to the next and final one: 

Q3) Are the two passions similar enough that it’s clear what you’re an expert in?

You’ve probably heard this question before: You need brain surgery! Who do you hire?

  • A brain surgeon who conducts brain surgeries all day long

  • A brain surgeon who doubles as a business coach

Personally, I’d rather hire the full-time brain surgeon, to be sure it gets done right! (Nothing against my fellow business coaches!)

It’s an extreme example, but the idea is simple: specializing in one area inspires confidence. It signals seriousness and commitment to your craft, and there are no unanswered questions about what’s most important to you!

This is where I think Suzy’s example starts looking a little shaky.

Will it be harder for her customers to trust the quality of her accessories, knowing she spends half her time coaching?

Will it be harder to trust her coaching skills, knowing she spends half her time crafting?

I’m not saying you shouldn’t divide your time among your passions! But it’s important to be mindful about how you’re positioning yourself, and the signals you’re sending your customers.

What to do next…

So, how do these principles show up in your multi-passionate business model?

Are you:

  • Addressing the same customer with your passions?

  • Valuing your time similarly?

  • Making it clear what your area of MASTERY is?

Hooray! It sounds like you have two passions you can seamlessly integrate. Other examples would be:

  • Graphic design + virtual assistance - Same customer, similar same time value, overlapping skill sets.

  • Business coaching + pricing strategy - Same customer, similar time value, overlapping skill sets.

  • Watercolor painting + handlettering - Same customer, similar same time value, overlapping skill sets.

Even if your passions have different customers, different value, and different skill sets, there’s still hope!

Here are four ways you can move forward:

1. Is there a viable business model in the overlap?

Can you more fully integrate your two passions? For example, maybe Suzy decides to offer leadership training specifically for other accessory designers.

2. Can you find time to effectively build both businesses at once?

Running two simultaneously takes twice the time, and you risk spreading yourself thin. But if you’re intentional, you can set up both businesses to be light and easy to run.

3. Can you choose to focus on ONE passion business now, and start the other later?

Maybe you have big dreams of running TWO businesses in the long-term, but in the short-term you’re comfortable starting with one. Start one business right now and focus 100% on it, grow it to the point it’s self-sufficient, and then start your other business! 

4. Can you allow one passion to be a business, and one to be a hobby?

Suzy may decide to allow her accessory crafting to take a back seat as a hobby. Sharing it on social media and with her community is a fun way to connect personally with her tribe, invite them into her world, and see her as a three-dimensional person with hidden gifts + talents!

So, what do you think?

At the end of the day, YOU are in charge of your business and you decide what it looks like. 

Maybe your business offering sports therapy AND gourmet cupcakes will be a hit! Just some things to think through and be aware of as you move forward. <3

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Ashley Chymiy, Brand Strategist

Hi, I’m Ashley!

I’m all about growing your mission-driven business with heart and intention! If you’re ready to attract your tribe + dream clients to your biz, you’re in the right place! 🧡

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Can you fuse multiple passions into one brand? Maybe! But there are some things to look out for. // small business tips / how to build your brand / what is branding / strong branding identity / brand awareness tips / branding tips for biz owners / b…
Can you fuse multiple passions into one brand? Maybe! But there are some things to look out for. // small business tips / how to build your brand / what is branding / strong branding identity / brand awareness tips / branding tips for biz owners / b…

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