3 Steps to Find Your Authentic Voice And Message

How do you attract the right customers to your business?

By sharing your unique, authentic voice and message – the perspective that lets your people know they’re in the right place with you!

It’s why you feel attracted to some brands and not others… because you can feel their energy and know what they care about and believe in, based on how they talk, and what they say.

So I want to share a simple 3-step process for zeroing in on your authentic message and voice that will broadcast your values and your philosophy, and invite the right people into your world!

This is for you if:

  • You’re creating content, but it’s not resonating yet.

  • You feel stuck or lost when you do sit down to create.

  • You’re attracting a community that doesn’t seem to really get you or feel excited about what you do, and how you can help them.

Catch the video below, and then we’ll dig into each step together!


Did you catch the video? Super! Then you know the 3 steps to finding and owning your authentic message. Now, we can address each step!

Here are the questions to guide yourself through…

1. Who are you?

What makes you special and different?

Not just as a business owner, or contributor in your industry… but as a human being!

Maybe you’re kind or compassionate…

Or maybe you’re silly and sassy!

Or maybe you’re brassy, no-bullshit, tell-it-like-it-is.

…or maybe you’re some beautiful blend of all three… and more!

Or something else entirely.

Get to the heart of who you are. Walk away from all the outside influences – social media, emails, business friends, peers, mentors, etc. – and spend some time just thinking about who you are, what makes you unique in this world, and what sets you apart from the crowd.

Deep down, far deeper than your job, family roles, and circumstances….What makes you you?

What experiences have shaped who you are?

What are some of the hard-won lessons you’ve learned in your life?

2. Who is your ideal customer?

Who is this special person, and what makes them who they are?

Even if you’ve never had a paying client before, who are the people in your market you admire and appreciate the most? Who you’d be most excited to work with?

What do you admire and appreciate most about them, that sets them apart from other customers in the marketplace?

Maybe you appreciate their sensitivity, their courage, their ambition, their heart, their resilience, their sense of purpose… don’t be afraid to really lean into and explore what you love about your person, and why.

Look for what you have in common on a deep level! Maybe you’re both sensitive and thoughtful, or wild and adventurous… what personality traits, strengths, and struggles do you share?

Maybe your person struggles with expressing themselves, and you’ve been there too. Maybe they feel overwhelmed by their to do list, and you know exactly how they feel.

Maybe they have some of the same pet peeves (e.g., surface-level solutions; information overload; sleezy sales tactics; etc.).

Consider these questions deeply, and keep going until you feel like you could call this person up and chat like best friends!

Pro tip: If you’re not sure how to answer these questions, think about yourself one, two, or even 10 years ago. Who were you back then?


3. What do you have to say to them?

My favorite way to explore this is to write my person a letter!

Get real, raw, and heartfelt. Forget selling or impressing your person; that’s not what we’re here for. Pour it all out on the page, and tell them what they need to hear on a real, human-to-human level, to keep going towards their goal!

This isn’t about explaining or giving them information; and it’s definitely not about selling. This is about speaking from the heart and sharing the advice you’d give a dear friend.

Maybe they need to hear they’re worthy of their dreams.

Or that they’re closer to their goal than they realize.

Or all the haters can go jump off a cliff.

Whatever advice fits you and your voice and personality, give it! Shine your light on their situation, and tell them what they need to hear.


Once you’ve written your letter, go back and circle or underline the key messages or truths you want your person to remember! What do you hope gets through to them – and how can you turn this letter into a piece of content for your community?

P.S. If this resonates for you, the real magic happens when you truly own & master your authentic voice and message! Grab the Brand Messaging Toolkit – and let’s dive in deep together:


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3 steps  to find your authentic voice and message