6 steps to a purposeful, profitable business


You're ready to get your business off the ground, but those early steps can feel like trying to find the light switch in a dark room…

It's exciting, a bit intimidating, and you're not quite sure where to begin… Do I start an email list? Create a freebie? Host a webinar? Design a logo? Start a blog? Post on social media? DM potential clients?

…Maybe you’ve been at this for a while, but something’s just not clicking. You’re flip-flopping on your niche, confused about your message, and second-guessing your offers…

…Maybe you’ve even launched your website, built a small audience, and even had a client or two… but you’re just not seeing the momentum you hoped for. Something isn’t working right.

I get it – the early stages of starting a business can be rough.

In this post, I’ll share six essential steps to transform your brilliant vision into a purposeful, profitable business and brand!

Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to rebrand and refine your existing business, in the 10 minutes you spend reading this post, you'll learn how to turn your passion into a purpose-driven business.

This post is for you if...

  • You're a passionate visionary ready to transform your strengths and gifts into a thriving, profitable business that’s fulfilling and financially abundant.

  • You want a simple, step-by-step process for turning that business idea into reliable income without wasting time on things that don’t work.

  • You’re tired of spinning your wheels – focusing on the wrong things, second-guessing yourself, or struggling to commit to any action at all.

Step 1. Set Your Vision

Start by setting (or reconnecting with) your vision. Your vision is like the North Star for your entrepreneurial journey. It's a clear, vivid, inspiring description of what you want your business to achieve in the long run – and it will always be there to guide you home, even when you feel a little lost.

You may have a general vision in place already (“I want to coach introverts to speak up at work” / “I want to take sweet photos of newborns”), but this step is about really digging into the details and bringing it into focus:

  • What kind of impact do you want to have?

  • What do you want to be known for?

  • How do you want to be seen as different?

  • Which of your passions will play a role in your business?

  • What are the values you’ll use to make decisions?

  • How do you want to change the world, even in a small way?

  • …the list goes on!

In my work with clients, this is when I guide them in reflecting on who they are, what values matter most to them, and what lights them up – the genuine passions that can fuel their business and help them align their brand with their true selves!

When you align your business with your passions, strengths, and vision, your business becomes a very natural extension of who you are – which makes it very easy and intuitive to operate!

When your brand aligns with your passions and strengths, it's not just a business anymore – it's a mission. It becomes a force for positive change, and it attracts people who share your values and vision.

From here you can do the important foundational steps, like:

  • Writing your mission statement

  • Identifying your unique differentiators

  • Positioning yourself strategically in your market

  • and defining your unique niche and target market.

This is how your brand becomes a reflection of your true self… and people can sense that authenticity in everything you do and say.

This makes it easy to build a community around your brand – a group of like-minded kindred spirits who believe in what you're doing, vibe with your energy, and love what you’re all about.

So – the key is to explore what lights you up, recognize your strengths, dream big about what your business can achieve, and then shape your brand around that!

It's about creating something that's not only meaningful to you, but also connects with others on a deeper level.

Step 2. Own Your Voice

Your brand voice is the unique way communicate with your audience through your language and presence – it sets you apart from the crowd, because no one can sound just like you! Your voice and message should flow from your vision and values, so it aligned with who you are deep down.

When you hear your best friend’s voice, you recognize them instantly – and the same is true for your brand with your customers!

Ideally, your audience should recognize you even without seeing your logo or colors. They should know it’s you, based on your words alone, the things you talk about, and the way you talk about them.

Here’s an example – two very different voices from two fitness trainers:

  • "Ready to take your fitness to the next level? If you want an easy workout, look elsewhere. But if you want a challenge, I’ll see you in class. Embrace the grind, endure the burn – and push yourself further than you thought possible. Your journey to greatness starts now."

  • "Come as you are, and let's move together! Our fitness family is all about inclusivity, support, and trusting your body. No matter where you're starting, I’ll be with you every step of the way. Let's create lasting connections, and make fitness a joyful part of your life!"

No one is going to mistake either fitness trainer for the other – it’s clear how they’re different. Their voices reveal their differences in values (e.g., self-discipline vs. self-kindness) and their clients will recognize their voices wherever they show up.

Not eager to be limited to a single brand voice? Don’t worry – this isn’t about manufacturing anything, or squeezing yourself into a box…

It’s about tapping into your ability to express your vision, values, and viewpoint, with ease and authenticity! Your unique voice and message flow naturally from your authentic self. It's like being true to who you are and letting that shine through in everything you do.

No, your brand won’t always sound the same. It will vary based on the context, audience, topic, and other factors. But you’ll have a consistent voice.

Just like as a human, your tone may change – based on how you’re feeling, who you’re talking to, what you’re talking about, and the context you’re in – but you’re always using your voice, and the people who know you will always recognize you.

The other half of this equation is your brand message. What do you stand for and believe in that will resonate with your audience? What core idea do you want to be known for that will inspire and activate your customers?

When you find your unique voice, and craft a powerful message that resonates with your audience, it's like finding the secret sauce for your brand. People will not only listen but also connect with you on a personal level.

This is how your brand becomes a movement – and that's pretty darn inspiring!

Step 3. Design your Offer

Your signature offer is your star product or service – the one solution that stands out in your business lineup. It's like your secret recipe, the thing you're known for, and the one your customers can’t stop talking about!

Designing your signature offer is like delivering the perfect solution to your audience’s problems or needs. It's tailored to their desires, and it addresses their pain points, in your own unique way.

Maybe it’s a coaching program, a piece of jewelry, an all-inclusive photography package, or a fan-favorite candle sampler. Whatever it is, your signature offer is like your most popular dish on the menu – it keeps customers talking about you, and coming back for more.

We want your signature offer to align with your brand's mission and values, so it showcases your expertise and builds your reputation in your industry!

For example – if you want your testimonials to call you “the king/queen of effortless social media”, your signature offer needs to help your customers learn to approach social media in an easy, effortless way.

To put it simply, your signature offer should be designed to earn the reputation you want to have five years from now!

Defining each offer looks like…

  • Analyzing key customer motivators

  • Assessing customer pain points with your industry

  • Identifying the transformation you’ll help them create

  • Outlining the key milestones + process (especially in service-based offers)

  • Defining the features, benefits, and value proposition

  • Setting the pricing structure

  • and crafting the messaging framework for talking about your offer!

You may also have supporting offers – smaller or less prominent offers that may include lower-cost, smaller-commitment offers that lead up to your main offer… or they may be lesser-known, optional next steps for people who’ve already experienced your signature offer.

Remember: Your signature and supporting offers are the bread and butter of your business, with the power to transform not only your bottom line, but also the lives of those you serve!

Step 4. Set your Visual Style

When you think about branding, you may think about a logo, color palette, patterns, textures, font choices, iconography, image guidelines… these all make up the visual style of your brand.

If your brand were a person, your visual style would be their appearance – hair color, clothing, size, shape… It's obviously not all of who they are, but it’s how the world sees them visually, at first glance!

So your visual style needs to quickly communicate (or at least suggest) the values, viewpoint, and voice you’ve worked so hard to define in the earlier steps. Imagine your visual elements as the language that communicates your values without words.

Your brand's visual style and identity also make you instantly recognizable – the way you can recognize your best friend when they walk in, before they say anything at all.

When you have a strong and consistent visual style, it's like leaving breadcrumbs for your audience to follow. They can recognize your brand anywhere, whether it's on social media, your website, or even printed materials.

And when your visual style is cohesive and consistent, you create a sense of familiarity and comfort for your audience.

So, your goal in this step is to create a visual aesthetic that not only looks professional but also aligns with your brand's values and personality. It's like choosing clothes that not only make you look amazing, but also make you feel like yourself.

In essence, nailing down your visual style and aesthetic is about creating a consistent and recognizable look for your brand that speaks volumes about who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to be seen by your audience.

Step 5. Plan Your Visibility

Next, you’ll need a Visibility Plan (or Content Plan) – your roadmap to getting onto your customer’s radar, earning their trust, and building your reputation as a leader in your industry.

Your Visibility Plan defines where you’ll show up, and when, and what you’ll share, to be seen as the guide in your customer’s journey.

Your content is the window into your business, where passersby can get the flavor of what you’re all about, and what you do, before deciding to buy.

When you consistently get visible and deliver valuable information and insights, you position yourself as a trusted authority in your niche.

Your content should play to your natural talents and abilities, and put your unique superpowers to work for your business:

  • If you're an exceptional writer, focus on blog posts.

  • If you have a captivating speaking style, consider podcasts.

  • If you’re a natural performer, start a YouTube channel.

Content isn't just about broadcasting; it's about sparking conversations!

Include elements that encourage interaction with your audience. Whether it's asking questions, conducting polls, or responding to comments, we want to nurture an ongoing dialogue with your community.

Ultimately the aim of your content is to position you as the go-to leader in your niche for a certain group of people. Think of it as becoming the trusted guide that your community turns to for guidance. This not only attracts more followers, but also opens up opportunities for collaborations, partnerships, and growth!

So, content planning is essentially the blueprint for your brand's success. It's about creating a strategy that lets you connect authentically with your audience, showcase your strengths, and become a respected authority in your niche.

Ultimately, it's the key to growing your brand, making a positive impact, and achieving your business goals!

Step 6. Master Your Sales

Your Sales Flow is how you’ll guide your potential customers from the moment they discover your brand, to the point of making a purchase.

When a new prospect discovers your brand, your aim is to lead them through a pleasant, memorable experience with your business – always anticipating their needs and providing clear next steps so they know what to do next.

You want to guide them through a journey: building trust along the way, being sure they always know the next step to take with you, and helping them make an informed, confident decision.

You want to be their go-to source of information and assistance, helping them navigate their path forward at every step. You want them to feel confident and secure in how things are unfolding, and informed about their options.

The key is to always make their next step clear, so they never hit a dead end or feel uncertain about their path forward with your brand.

Mastering your Sales Flow is all about being the friendly host, the informative companion, and the trustworthy source during your customers' journey. It's about fostering trust, offering choices, providing information, and always ensuring they know where to go next.

It's your way of saying, "Welcome to the journey; let's navigate it together!”


So, where to start?

Want the step-by-step to putting this process to work in your business?

I’ve walked hundreds of heart-centered entrepreneurs through each stage of building a purposeful and profitable business, inside Brand with a Plan:

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  • “You’ve given me the missing pieces of creating a brand and business that were overlooked by other business coaches/courses.”

  • “My only regret is that I didn’t find Brand with a Plan before wasting money on other courses. I felt like you were holding my hand every step of the way.”

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