How to Find Your Brand's Unique Viewpoint


“My content + voice just get lost in the noise — how can I stand out in such a crowded market?”

You may not consciously think about it all the time, but you have a unique way of looking at things – an original, one-of-a-kind brand viewpoint! …Like seeing the world through your own special glasses 😎

Your brand viewpoint is how you see your customer, their situation, and what you believe is possible for them and for the world.

When your customers vibe with your viewpoint, they resonate with the way you see things – and think, "Finally, someone who gets it!"

…and just like that, they’re a BIG step closer to being your happy customer.

So figuring out your viewpoint is one of the fastest ways you can:

  • Set yourself apart in your industry,

  • Grow an audience of people who know, like, and trust you, and

  • Call in your next customers!

This post is for you if…

  • You're passionate about your business and want to position yourself as a leader in your industry and community.

  • You want to stand out in a crowded market, in a way that’s aligned authentically with you + your mission.

  • You want to connect deeply with your audience and create a meaningful connection with your customers beyond just transactions.

  • Your brand messaging feels a bit scattered, but you're ready to refine it to speak directly to your ideal audience!

figuring out your brand viewpoint

Your Brand Viewpoint is all about how your brand sees these elements…

The Customer

We all love being around people who see the best in us, who believe in us, and who celebrate who we are! It gives us a sense of validation, safety, and acceptance that’s hard to come by in an often judgmental world.

So imagine brand as your customer's biggest cheerleader: seeing the very best in them – their strengths, their potential, and all the amazing possibilities that lie ahead for them.

It may go well beyond what your customers see in themselves. You may be the one holding that vision of their best selves and their brightest futures that they’re struggling to hold for themselves.

In essence, your brand becomes a place where they can step into the brighter future you’re holding for them – and feel valued, understood, and appreciated. And in the process, creating a strong bond with your brand.

Isn't that the kind of connection we all cherish in our favorite brands?


A fitness brand views its customers as budding athletes. They see potential in each person who walks through their doors, recognizing their strength and resilience – making new customers feel amazing!

Reflection Questions

How does your brand perceive its customers? Are they seen merely as buyers, or do you view them as individuals with untapped potential? Which of their strengths and capabilities can you celebrate in your content today?


The Goal

Do your customers see that you really understand their goals, and are on the same page with them about what they want to achieve? It’s a powerful trust builder and makes a big difference in their decision about whether to follow, subscribe, or buy!

Imagine visiting a new city and asking two friends for dinner recommendations:

Friend 1: You’ve gotta try HypeBar, the music is so loud it pounds through your bones, they serve greasy diner food but it also has a clubbing vibe so there are people dancing right next to you all night.

Friend 2: You’ll love LowDown, it’s part of the botanical gardens – there are beautiful exotic flowers everywhere, soft jazz melodies playing in the air, and fresh locally grown produce – you’ll feel like you’re in heaven.

It should be pretty clear right away which friend really understands your needs, preferences, and what you want to achieve in choosing a restaurant.

Basically, your customers need to know that you're not just giving directions – you truly appreciate where they want to go, who they want to become, or what they want to achieve.

This isn't about a one-size-fits-all approach; it's about recognizing their unique, specific vision and why it matters so much to them. Why is that goal their North Star? What drives their passion and determination to reach it? What feeling are they after, that this goal will give them?

When you understand the 'why' behind their goals, you're not just selling a product or service – you're selling a partnership in their pursuit of something meaningful. It's like being their co-pilot on a big adventure.


A career coach specializes in helping clients find not only a profitable, sustainable career using their skills and experience, but a career where they can contribute meaningfully to society, in alignment with their values and spiritual practice. The right customers love this coach’s vision!

Reflection Questions

What does your customer really want? What would the the worst, least resonant way to define their goal, and what would be the best, most resonant way to define it? (remember the two restaurants!)


The Problem

Imagine a big, daunting obstacle standing between you and your dream destination. To you, it may seem mysterious, vague, and insurmountable – impossible to ever wrap your head around, much less overcome.

All you know is, you can’t make any progress forward while it’s there.

What if someone stepped in and flipped the light switch so you could finally see the problem in detail – understanding it in a new way you never did before!

This is the lightbulb moment you can help your customer create by helping them understand the problem and gain a fresh perspective on it. Maybe them help understand it in a new, more hopeful way that inspires them to believe in their ability to overcome it.

You can be a little like your customer’s private detective, peeling back the layers to reveal the real problem at hand. It's not just about recognizing the issue; it's about seeing it from a perspective that your customer may not have considered.

When you show that you truly 'get' their challenges, it's like a reassuring nod that you're not only aware of the problem, but you also see it clearly.

Your customer appreciates and learns from the way you think about the problem, because it helps them understand it better. Your words resonate with them, making them feel like you're on the same wavelength.


A jewelry designer relates to customers feeling embarrassed to express themselves fully through their accessories. They recognize that their customers want jewelry that shows off their personality, but often hold back due to self-doubt or societal pressures. Having someone put a finger on the problem inspires customers to take action to express themselves more fully.

Reflection Questions

What are the real problems keeping your customers stuck? How do you see the problem in a way your customers may not have considered yet?


The Root Cause

One step beyond identifying and understanding the problem, your brand will have a unique viewpoint on the root cause creating that problem.

What makes this viewpoint truly powerful is when your customer resonates with your assessment of the root cause. It's like you've uncovered hidden layers of the issue, and they can finally see the patterns at play in their situation, and where their difficulty is coming from!

When they resonate with your viewpoint on the problem's origin, it's a powerful moment of connection. They can see you not only understand the surface-level obstacle, but also the underlying complexities.

Your approach becomes a source of clarity and insight, like a friend who not only acknowledges their troubles, but helps them untangle the intricate web of challenges!


A dedicated yoga teacher sees his students struggling with stress and anxiety caused by a disconnection from self. The teacher emphasizes yoga as a path to reconnecting with self – his students recognize that pattern in their own lives, so they eagerly show up for class.

Reflection Question

What does your customer think is causing their problem right now, and what are some other possibilities? What do you see as the most likely root cause, and how can you shed some light on it this week in your content?


The Truth

Underneath your customer’s struggle, there is a truth they’re missing – maybe it’s about who they are, their untapped potential, hidden strengths, or unique qualities.

Or maybe it’s about the way the world works – opportunities they hadn't considered or the incredible support available to them.

Sometimes, it's the truth about their situation. Perhaps it's not as dire as they think, or maybe the biggest obstacle is their own doubts and fears. When you present this truth, it's like offering the encouragement, reassurance, perspective, or grounding reality check they need.

Helping them acknowledge this truth is like handing them a key to unlock their full potential. It's about fostering a sense of empowerment and self-belief.

When your customer sees that you're not just selling a product or service but also offering a new perspective on what's possible, it deepens their trust in your brand!


A photographer shares the message that the little imperfect moments are the stuff memories are made of. This reality check inspires customers to stop waiting for things to be perfect to book a photo session, and embrace and capture life as it is right now.

Reflection Question

Does your brand provide customers with empowering truths that help them unlock their full potential? How can you convey these truths more effectively?


The Solution

Imagine your brand as a trusted navigator, charting the best course forward for your customer's unique journey. Your brand's viewpoint on the solution is like a tailor-made roadmap, designed specifically for them!

This viewpoint doesn't offer a one-size-fits-all solution – instead, it carefully considers your customer's values, self-concept, and preferred problem-solving style. It's about presenting a path that truly resonates with them, aligns with their values, and feels like the right fit.

If their goal is to start a business, there are multiple ways to tackle this:

  • Craft an inspiring message to attract the right audience.

  • Make as much noise as possible until someone buys their product.

  • Use methods of persuasion to convince people they need the offer.

  • Convince an investor of the future profitability of the business.

There’s no right or wrong here – the key is to be clear about what you see as the best path forward, one that aligns perfectly with your customer's vision, preferences, and values.

When they see that your solution is not just effective but also tailored to their unique needs, it sets your brand apart as a true partner in their success!


A website designer serves professional artists. She believes the art speaks for itself, and the best way to sell it is to keep the site clean and minimal, to showcase and put the spotlight on the artist’s work.

Reflection Question

What solution would completely repel your customer, and what’s the opposite of that approach? What do you offer as a path forward that they’ll love instead?

I’m so excited for you to define your unique brand viewpoint and start sharing it with your audience to call in your next clients and customers! To recap, your brand viewpoint should cover:

  1. The Customer: What strengths and aspirations do you recognize in them?

  2. The Goal: How do you describe the desired outcome and why it matters?

  3. The Problem: What do you see as the core problem getting in the way?

  4. The Root Cause: What do you see as the reason they’re having that problem?

  5. The Truth: What is the truth about your customer or their situation?

  6. The Solution: What do you see as the best way forward?


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