How to Sell with HOPE, not Fear


“How can I sell my offers without making my customers feel crummy, or making them avoid my content next time?”

If you’ve ever felt anxious after reading a sales page or post, you know what fear-based selling feels like.

It stirs up your fears and insecurities without mercy – you may feel inadequate, afraid of what will happen if you don’t buy, or shameful because you’re not doing things a certain way.

Maybe you’ll make an impulse buy in the moment – but you’re more likely to experience buyers’ remorse right after.

And the next time you see this seller’s content, you might head in the other direction to avoid another yuck sales experience!

Instead, hope-based selling empowers your customers and clients to imagine what’s possible, see their situation in a positive new light, and feel their goals truly within their reach!

This doesn’t mean you completely disregard your customers’ fears and worries… but emphasizing hope over fear creates more feel-good sales and repeat business, as your customers grow with you because they trust you!

As a seller, you’ll also attract different customers through hope-based selling: customers who are:

  • Able to focus on long-term opportunities, instead of short-term pains.

  • In the habit of making confident, optimistic choices, instead of fear-based ones.

  • Feeling empowered to make a decision, instead of being paralyzed by fear and worry.

So here are examples and strategies for selling based on hope, not fear!

Spend more time on what’s POSSIBLE than what’s painful

There’s a difference between acknowledging the fears, pain points, and struggles keeping your customer up at night, to show you understand… and twisting a knife in the wound.

Expressing empathy for your customer’s situation makes them feel seen and understood, and lets them know they’re in the right place.

But bringing those pain points up over and over, and catastrophizing on everything that can go wrong if they don’t buy your product, does them a real disservice.

Instead, acknowledge those pain points and fears, but spend more time painting a picture of what’s possible and all the great things waiting to be experienced! Your customer will see that you’re on the same page about their goals, and what they want to make happen, and feel inspired to take action to get where they want to go.


Acknowledge the pain, and shift to what’s possible:

I know what it’s like to feel like your dog is unteachable; I know how scary it is to see his behavior getting worse, and to worry you’ll reach a breaking point where you just can’t keep his instincts under control. Will he bite someone? Will he hurt himself trying to escape? ...But I can tell you with 100% certainty: Your dog is a good dog. With the right tools you CAN create a bond of communication that allows you to be in sync, and for him to feel safe and confident in any situation. You CAN enjoy this silly goofball for the rest of his wonderful life… and enjoy peace of mind knowing that whatever happens, your four-legged bestie will handle it well.

Reflection Question: Does my sales page focus more on the problems and pain points, or on painting an exciting picture of my customer’s future?


Help your customer see the situation in a new light

Chances are good that your customer has misunderstood their problem and what’s really causing it… which may be keeping them stuck!

They may think they’re afraid of public speaking because they lack confidence... when all they really lack is exposure! Practice will get them comfortable speaking on stage in no time. 

Or they may think they’re struggling to get a date because they’re weird or unlovable… when really they’re just not meeting enough people consistently! Getting out there every week will create connections with potential matches until the right one happens along.

Shine a light on your customer’s situation so they can begin to understand it – not as an insurmountable problem, but as a totally fixable situation they can take specific actions to reverse... or an opportunity waiting to be seized.


Show the situation in a new light:

Can’t remember the last time you had a good night’s sleep? Most people chalk it up to genetics, and think there’s nothing they can do about it… you may have even stopped trying to improve your sleep habits because nothing seems to work! But the number one cause of insomnia is simple: stress. In five minutes per day, you can learn simple techniques that help you manage anxiety more skilfully, experience more calm in your day, and reduce insomnia by up to 50% within the first two weeks, getting you on the path to better sleep and better health in less than a month…

Reflection Question: What does my customer think has created their problem, and what do I know is more likely the root cause?


Remind your customer of their inner resources

A major investor once observed that he could easily spot new entrepreneurs in pitch meetings because they spent their time talking about their credentials and qualifications in an effort to seem legitimate.

Seasoned entrepreneurs, on the other hand, know that time spent listing their credentials is wasted; the real magic lies in the power of the vision, the idea, and the opportunity for what’s possible.

It’s tempting to put yourself on a pedestal on your sales page and take up lots of real estate showcasing your great qualities and accomplishments – especially if you’re new in your industry and feeling a bit unsure of whether people will take you seriously.

But focusing too much on yourself can bore customers at best, and disempower them at worst - giving them the impression that there’s something they need in order to succeed, that they’re fundamentally lacking. (e.g., “Oh, that person went to Harvard Business School? Well of course they’re a success... their process probably won’t work for someone like me.”)

Your customer is the HERO of the story. Remind them of the powerful inner resources they have that will help them reach their goals, and they’ll feel more inspired than ever to go after them!

Remember that people will remember how you made them feel… not about you – but about themselves. 


Showcase your customer’s inner resources:

Public speaking is a powerful way for heart-centered coaches to create momentum and expand their impact. And yes, getting started can be challenging – but here’s what I know about you: You have the insight, vision, and creativity to thrive as a speaker and create an impact that matters. You’ve thrived as a coach because you see things differently; you read between the lines and see what others don’t see. And now it’s time to use those same skills to land on powerful insights and ideas that change lives and inspire action in your audience…

Reflection Question: Which of my customer’s strengths and capabilities do they need to be reminded of, that will help them reach their goals?Spend more time on what’s POSSIBLE than what’s painful


I’m so excited for you to weave these simple techniques into your sales pages and customer experience! Try these steps to emphasize hope over fear – and spark the confidence and inspiration your customer needs to take bold action and say YES to their goals:

  1. Spend more time on what’s POSSIBLE than what’s painful.

  2. Help your customer see the problem in a new light.

  3. Remind your customer of their inner resources.


If you'd like support in your coaching business and taking confident action without fear getting in the way, I'd love to support you on that level – click here to learn about private coaching and how we can work together ♥

Always in your corner,


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Find a cozy spot and grab your favorite pen – and settle in to find fresh clarity in your brand fundamentals! I’ll walk you through the 7 metrics for a strong brand, and actions you can take to connect with your community and thrive across the board.


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marketing strategy tip for mindful business - how to sell with hope to your audience and not with fear. Topics include: how to attract clients to your online business / small business strategy