Make your Brand Magnetic with the 5Ms of Messaging


“I want to post online, but how can I be sure it’ll resonate with my customers? It hasn’t in the past.”

Ever feel like your content just isn't hitting the right notes with your audience? You’re in the right place.

Many of us have poured our hearts into our posts, emails, episodes, and web copy… only to wonder if it's actually connecting with the people we want to reach (I get it – I’ve been here before too.)

The missing ingredient in your content may be your brand message: the truth you stand for that will really grab your audience’s attention.

So here's the deal: there's both an art and a science to this, and we're about to break it down together!

In this blog post, I’ll share the keys to a brand message – the 5Ms – that not only resonates, but also grabs your audience's attention, pulling them into your world like a magnet.

This post is for you if…

  • You're passionate about your content and want to infuse it with a message that truly resonates and connect with your community on a deep level.

  • You want to go beyond surface-level social media noise and truly captivate your audience, speaking to their unique pain points and desires.

  • You're tired of blending in and want your message to stand out in the noisy digital world, so you can truly connect with the people you’re here to serve.

a compelling brand message is


A meaningful message delivers a core idea that’s about more than your product or service. It taps into your values, beliefs, and what you stand for – creating an emotional connection with your customers.

Think about your favorite brands. What is it about their message that makes you feel like they "get" you?

  • Apple: Their message revolves around "Think Different," celebrating innovation and creativity. If you're drawn to Apple, it might be because you share a passion for innovative thinking.

  • Nike: "Just Do It" is more than a slogan; it's a call to action. If you're a Nike fan, it's likely because you value determination and action.

  • Dove: Dove's message promotes self-confidence and self-love with "Real Beauty." If you resonate with Dove, it's because you appreciate authenticity and self-acceptance.

Now, let's look at how small businesses can communicate the meaning behind their brands:

  • As a photographer, maybe you emphasize the beauty in imperfect moments, and encourage your audience to “savor every second”

  • As a coach, maybe you emphasize the power of a single decision to change life forever, nudging your audience to “make a change today”

  • As a toy designer, maybe you believe in the magic of imagination and play, and tell your audience to “live magically”

Reflection Question: What core idea or value does your business represent – and how can you communicate it in a way that truly resonates with your audience, just like these well-known brands resonate with their customers?



A magnetic message attracts your audience and inspires them to learn more by diving into your world. When your brand message is truly magnetic, it draws people in like a moth to a flame.

Have you ever stumbled upon a brand's social media post, and before you know it, you've spent an hour exploring their website, watching their videos, and engaging with their content?

That's the magic of magnetism at play!

So, how can you make your brand message magnetic?

Start by asking yourself how your customers currently feel, and how they want to feel instead.

We’re all drawn in by emotions we want to experience – maybe your customers are craving freedom, inspiration, connection, or peace.

Infusing your brand message with those feelings makes them a magnet for the right customers!

Let’s take a few examples:

  • Virtual Assistant: You want to attract clients who crave more freedom in their lives. Emphasizing freedom in your message speaks directly to your audience's desires and draws them into your world, where you help them reclaim their time and regain that sense of freedom.

  • Coach: You want to resonate with clients who are craving fresh energy and inspiration in their lives. Addressing those feelings creates a magnetic pull that encourages them to explore how your coaching can lead to positive transformation.

  • Toy Designer: Your customers want their kids to experience a sense of adventure and exploration, and evoking those feelings can make your brand a magnet for your families.

This will come easiest and more naturally to you if you’re leaning into the unique energy you tend to carry with you already.

If you’re naturally adventurous, peaceful, or connected… lean into it and become a magnet for your perfect-fit clients.

Reflection Question: What is the energy you naturally tend to carry with you into the world? What do people sense and feel around you, and how can you infuse your brand message with that feeling?



We want people to remember your message long after they've read your content or engaged with your brand – so when they consider a purchasing decision, you’re top of mind!

Think about those big-name brands like Apple or Nike. You can probably recall their slogans without even trying, right? "Think Different," "Just Do It" – these phrases stick with us. So, how do you make your message just as memorable?

Keep it Simple: Your message should be clear and easy to understand. Avoid fancy words or industry jargon. Imagine explaining it to a friend over coffee – that's the level of simplicity we’re aiming for.

Tell a Story: We all love stories, and remember them! Share stories that align with your brand's values and mission. Your brand message should always be the “moral of the story.” (blog post: The 5Cs of a compelling brand story)

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat: Repetition is your friend here. The more people see or hear your message, the more likely it'll stick in their minds. Consistency is your secret weapon!

Reflection questions: What is my brand message in 10 words?

  • Can I boil it down to 5 words?

  • …maybe even 3?

By distilling your brand message down to its essence, you'll create something that lingers in the hearts and minds of your audience – something they'll remember long after they've interacted with your brand.



Motivation is about fueling and activating your audience's willingness to go for their goals and aspirations – rekindling the fire of their vision for the future.

It's the voice that whispers in your audience's ear, "Your goal is worthwhile, and you can do it!”, sparking that inner drive in your audience.

Here’s why this matters: We’re all bombarded with information and choices every day. This can make us feel overwhelmed, paralyzed by indecision. (Can you relate? I know I can!)

But your brand message can stand out and make your audience say, "Yes, I want to set all the noise aside, and take action towards my goals!"

When your message resonates on a deeper level and inspires your audience towards the future they want to experience, they can see and feel the differences within themselves… and the potential for real progress towards their goals.

So they’re more likely to become not just customers, but advocates for your brand. They'll stick around, engage with your content, soak up the motivational feels, and spread the word – because you support their journey towards what they want.

And here's the magical part: this doesn't just benefit your business; it can create a positive ripple effect in people's lives, encourage personal growth, drive positive change, and help your audience achieve their goals.

When your brand becomes a source of motivation, you're not just selling products or services – you're changing lives.

So a motivating brand message isn't just important; it's what transforms passive consumers into active participants in your brand's journey. It's what sets you apart and makes your brand a force for positive change!


"You have the power to heal yourself."

"Your choices matter, and together, we can protect our planet."

"Unlock your full potential and live your best life."

Reflection question: What is the exciting future my customer has almost given up on, that I can help rekindle their passion for today?



Mobilization is taking all that motivation we talked about earlier and channeling it into tangible steps. A mobilizing brand message helps your audience cut through the noise and know exactly what to do next. It's like giving them a roadmap with clear signposts.

When your message is mobilizing, it's like giving your audience a sense of purpose and direction. It says, "Hey, you're not just a passive observer; you're an active participant in this journey." You transform your brand from something they merely notice, into a tangible part of their journey.

When your audience takes action and engages with your brand, they're not just customers; they also become part of a community of like-minded individuals who share common interests and goals. This sense of belonging can be incredibly powerful and lead to long-term loyalty!

Mobilizing isn't just about benefiting your brand; it's about empowering your audience to make positive changes in their lives. It's about helping them achieve their goals, solve problems, or find solutions. It's about making their lives better, one step at a time.

So, in a nutshell, mobilizing through your brand message is like turning inspiration into action, guiding your audience, fostering community, and creating a positive impact. It's about making your brand not just a choice but a trusted partner in your audience's journey.


"Start your healing journey today by enrolling in our 30-day wellness program. Join our supportive community and take the first step towards a healthier you!"

"Join our monthly eco-action challenge to make a real impact on our planet. Be part of a global community of environmental champions. Start your eco-conscious journey now!"

"Enroll in this transformative 6-week personal development course today. Start turning your potential into reality – your journey to a better life begins now!"

Reflection question: What’s one simple action my customer could take today to go beyond consuming my free content, to actively getting the support or solution they need?

The power of this framework is that when you put these principles into practice with your content, your voice becomes a bright spot in your customer’s day – something they look forward to and watch for week after week!

I’m so excited for you to crystallize your brand message and turn it into a magnet for your customers! To recap, a compelling brand message is:

  1. Meaningful: Stands for an idea that resonates with your customers.

  2. Magnetic: Evokes an emotion or feeling they want to experience more of.

  3. Memorable: Keeps it simple and straightforward, so it’s easy to remember.

  4. Motivating: Fuels your customer’s belief in the future they want to create.

  5. Mobilizing: Activates your customer to take a tangible step forward.


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