Five Steps to Create More Ease & Flow in Your Business


“I’m finally making money, but I’m running myself ragged trying to keep all the balls in the air. Everything feels so much harder than it needs to be… but what else can I do?”

I see you, friend! You’ve been resourceful, resilient, and scrappy as hell to make it this far as an entrepreneur… No matter how long you’ve been in business, your progress is worth celebrating!

Yay you!!

But along the way, you may have had to make some tough decisions that led you in a direction you didn’t intend…

Maybe you took on some clients who weren’t a great fit, tried a launch strategy that depleted you, or offered a service that doesn’t really fit your schedule or energy.

The result? Over time, you may have ended up with a business that keeps you perpetually busy, and takes more energy from you than it gives back.

Your business may feel stuck in the “messy middle” and awkward teenage years of growth… and it’s time for a change!

Cultivating “ease and flow” is just about organizing your business in a way that honors your energy, and makes it possible for you to prosper (in the bank and in your heart), just by being you!

So let’s redesign your business to support the life you want to live ♥ Here are five steps to follow, to create more ease and flow in your business:

5 Steps to ease + flow

1. Set the intention

Creation begins with vision!

Imagine you arrive in a beautiful destination for a week-long vacation… and you have no plans or intentions for how you want to week to flow.

This can be great if you want to see where the current takes you! But if you have a goal in mind with your vacation – rest and relax, make new memories, experience new things, meet your soulmate – the power of setting an intention will help you make it happen!

So, what will greater ease and flow look like in your business?

Maybe you want to…

  • Double your income (or sustain it) while working half as many hours

  • Pivot into a new area of expertise that feels more aligned

  • Enjoy more quiet space in your schedule, and more time to relax

  • Experience more effortless connection with your clients

…or some combination of all these!

Whatever you want to create, tuning into your heart and seeing the future you’re ready to create has an activating power. Without it, we have very little influence over how life unfolds for us!

So spend time with your vision and set clear intentions for what you want to experience more of, and what you want to experience less of.

Really feel the emotions that surface for you — strong emotional resonance makes you a magnet for what you want!

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What do I want more of?

  • What do I want less of?

  • How will my life look and feel one year from now?

2. Do the inner work

“I want more peace in my business,” I said to myself. A voice inside me replied, “Start by creating peace within you.”

Whatever you want to create and experience in your business — whether it’s more peace, more joy, more abundance, ease, flow, you name it — let it start within you.

Strategy without inner work is like rearranging the furniture… it’ll look fresh and new on the surface at first. But eventually, you’ll find that it just perpetuates the same patterns, and keeps you stuck in the same loops.

If you reorganize your schedule for more flow today, the same old thought patterns and habits will lead you back into a cycle of chaos by next week.

So instead, for lasting change and a fundamental shift in how your business operates, start with the inner work… cultivate what you want to receive from your business, in yourself first and foremost.

On a scale of 0–10, how much ease and flow do you feel in your inner world? In the way you talk to yourself, and in the way you experience life?

Are you practicing acceptance, and nurturing seeds of contentment and joy in your heart, regardless of your circumstances?

…or are you resisting at every step? Are you caught in a battle of wills with the world, fighting for the upper hand, making things hard for yourself?

These things aren’t your fault! You are not broken or flawed. You are human. This is simply conditioning that is no longer serving you, that you’re ready to release…

…so you can experience life as it comes, and enjoy the journey along the way, while holding your vision close in your heart.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • How can I cultivate the feelings I want in my business, in myself?

  • How do these qualities already show up in my business?

  • What is something I can do to feel how I want to feel today?

3. Align your messaging + content

You’ve set the intention and started realigning inwardly with your vision of ease and flow… now we want to align your business around your vision – and it starts with your message!

Your voice and perspective have evolved since you started this business… you know more about your field of expertise, and your philosophy about what your customer really needs, may have evolved significantly.

...but maybe you’re still relying on the same old words, ideas, and language about what you do – after all, it’s gotten you this far, hasn’t it?

But when you’re ready to grow in a new direction, work with clients who are more aligned with you, and experience more ease and flow in your business… it’s time to breathe new life into your message!

You want your words and your voice to reflect who you really are, and honor your values and your story so far – while making the lasting, meaningful impact you want to make in your community…

…so you can share content and ideas that light you up, and build your reputation as the go-to expert in what you want to be known for!

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What has been sparking my curiosity lately?

  • What have I learned in the past few months of my business?

  • What do I know is true about me, that I didn’t realize before?

4. Reimagine your schedule + routines

Do you have routines that support you, and keep things easy and convenient? Or is your schedule a chaotic free-for-all that leaves you exhausted, and confused about which direction you’re headed in?

I naturally prefer things open-ended, flexible, and non-committal… (for my fellow MBTI nerds, my type is INFP, emphasis on the P!)

But reimagining my schedule and routines to better support me has been a game-changer in terms of my enjoyment and efficiency in my business.

Here’s the truth: the way you’re handling tasks and priorities in your business has a huge impact on the energy you bring into your content and your community.

So examine the points of friction in your day, find the tasks and moments creating resistance, and organize your schedule to best serve you.

Maybe that means working fewer hours, outsourcing tasks that drain you, or waking up earlier to get your high-priority tasks done, so you can stop work earlier in the day…

Or maybe that means scheduling all your client calls on one or two days per week, so you have the rest of the week to dive deep into passion projects that excite you!

No need to overwhelm yourself with a dozen changes at once — take it one at a time! A year from now, you’ll have much more ease and flow in your day.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Which tasks in my business fuel me and my soul?

  • Which ones wear me out quickly, or create friction / frustration in my day?

  • What are 3 small changes I can make in my schedule to create more flow?

5. Expand your offer

Are your offers really serving your clients and you the very best they can?

To start a whole new chapter in your business, it’s important to revisit and possibly rethink your offer suite, and how you’re serving and supporting your clients.

I get it — maybe you’re thinking, “but I finally learned how to sell my current offer consistently… and you want me to start all over with a new one?”

Nope! This isn’t about ditching all your progress or throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Those hard-earned lessons learned aren’t going anywhere, and neither is your unique magic you’ve mastered!

This is about leveling up and elevating your current offers to better serve your ideal clients and you.

Maybe this means converting a 1:1 offer into a group experience or a passive course. Or maybe it means moving all your client calls into one or two days a week — freeing up your other days for strategic projects and doing things you enjoy.

But this reorganization step is important.

Because your next chapter is all about doing what lights you up, making the impact you’re here to make, and expanding your income and your impact…

So say goodbye to hustling, struggling, and burning yourself out, working with the wrong clients, and doing the wrong work for your unique energy… and say hello to thriving just by leaning into your unique superpowers!

Questions to ask yourself:

  • How does the highest version of me offer my gifts to the world?

  • What gifts + strengths does my highest self lean into?

  • What has my highest self let go of, in order to focus on what I do best?


No matter what stage of business you’re in, I hope this process inspires you to step back and make some changes to create more ease and flow in your business!

It’s never too soon to rethink the way you’re doing things, so you can experience more joy, while preserving your peace and saving space for what matters most.

So, the four steps to creating more ease and flow in your business are:

  1. Set the intention — Visualize and feel into what you want to create and experience.

  2. Start the inner work — Begin cultivating and nurturing the qualities and feelings you want to see in your business, in yourself.

  3. Align your messaging — Rethink your messaging and how you’re showing up in your business, to reflect who you are and where you’re headed.

  4. Reimagine your schedule – Assess your energy and reorganize your schedule to and routines to support you energetically, and fit the lifestyle you want to live.

  5. Expand your offers — Restructure your existing offers to give you more freedom and flexibility, while still facilitating powerful transformation for your clients.

If you’re ready to start this process, grab the Elevate & Align Journal below, and let’s get you on the path to a business that brings you a whole new level of joy and fulfillment — with a healthy scoop of ease and flow!

my gift for you:

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Elevate and Aligned Journal & Planner

And if you'd like support taking confident action to reimagine and redesign your business for more ease and flow, I'd love to support you on that level – click here to learn about private coaching and how we can work together ♥

Always in your corner,



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