Meet Your Inner Dream Team — the 4Cs in your mind


Today I want to introduce you to your very own Dream Team... and they're already living right inside your mind!

Because if you're like most people, you'll usually feel a significant push-and-pull between a few different parts of you:

  • The part who wants to take the risk, and the part who wants to play it safe.

  • The part who wants to show your true colors, and the part who wants to fit in.

  • The part who thinks you're doing great, and the part who's never satisfied.

  • The part who wants to get up and try again, and the part who wants to give up.

So here are the four characters you'll find in your inner world, and how you can connect with them to help create momentum toward your goals:

Your Inner Dream Team

1. Your Inner Cheerleader

This is your inner hype girl who's always there to remind you how amazing and unstoppable you are! She never gives up on you, showers you with unconditional love and appreciation, and won't hesitate to count all the ways you're thriving and slaying your goals.

Even when you feel disappointed, you can trust your inner cheerleader to see the bigger picture and all the progress you've made. 

Maybe you're thinking, “I have an inner cheerleader? Where the heck has she been all this time?” and the thing is, she's already cheering…you just need to listen!

If you aren't already giving yourself daily peptalks in the mirror, in your journal, or in your own head – hand the microphone to your inner cheerleader, and let her cheer you on!

What to ask your inner cheerleader today:

  • Which of my abilities or achievements have I not fully owned yet?

  • What will I achieve, just by showing up?

  • Which of my strengths will help me reach my goal?

2. Your Inner Coach

This is your trusted inner advisor who always knows your heart and is ready with a question or a reflection that helps you put it all back into perspective. 

She may not always say what you want to hear, but she's always there to shine a light into the darkness, and help you see what's really standing in your way, how your choices have contributed to this moment, the power you have to choose differently, and the new choices you can make to get where you want to go.

Lean into your inner coach on days you feel overwhelmed or confused about your next steps – if you're a coach, practice being your own best client by stepping back and coaching yourself with questions that spark insight and new understanding!

What to ask your inner coach today:

  • What am I willing to risk in order to reach this goal?

  • What am I gaining by not taking action?

  • If a friend were in this situation, what advice would I give them?

3. Your Inner Critic

You may not love when your inner critic shows up, but her intentions are good. 

She wants to protect you – usually from disappointment or danger. And the best thing you can do is not to “silence” her or get into a battle of wills – but instead, to finally make peace with her!

Get curious, listen, and treat her with kindness and understanding. Ask questions to understand her fears, and what she wants to protect you from.

Then allow her to think what she needs to think in order to feel safe, while remembering that she doesn’t get to call the shots or choose your next steps.

What to ask your inner critic today:

  • What am I seeking safety and protection from by thinking this way?

  • What am I most afraid might happen?

  • If that happened, what would I do next?

4. Your Inner Child

Beneath the voice of the inner critic, is your inner child… the part of you who still feels and holds onto the pain you experienced in your early years.

She needs love, acceptance, and space to express her feelings, while knowing it's safe to do so – and that you will always love and be there for her, no matter what. 

Taking time to embrace our inner child, and give her room to express and process her emotions, has a cleansing and healing effect. You may experience this through inner child work, or just by speaking to yourself through a voice of love… When we heal our inner child, we finally release the pain holding us back.

What to ask your inner child today:

  • What emotions am I experiencing in this moment?

  • How can I express these emotions safely?

  • If I received a letter from Love in this moment, what would it say?


If you'd like support mastering your self-talk, and taking confident action without fear getting in the way, I'd love to support you on that level – click here to learn about private coaching and how we can work together ♥

Always in your corner,


P.S. A free gift for you:

Elevate & Align

Journal & Planner


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Learn the 4C's in your mind and how they can help reach your goals in life.