The 5-Minute Mindset Reset!


As a new business owner, there were so many days when I felt uninspired and plain old down on myself. Maybe you can relate:

“I feel so stuck and unmotivated right now... how can I quickly turn this around and have a great day?”

Here’s a fast, repeatable 5-minute process you can use anytime you feel your mindset lagging, so you have more great days no matter what’s going on around you!

Grab a journal, or just close the door and create a quiet space to reflect. Then, take one minute for each step to answer these questions...

This is for you if:

  • You want to take action, but you’re feeling fearful and your mindset is negative.

  • You’ve noticed a repeating negative thought or belief that you’re ready to uproot and replace.

  • You’re ready to dig deep to find the cause of what’s keeping you stuck, and fix it!

Minute 1: Reflect

What feeling is coming up for you? Sit with it for a moment, and name it… and then consider, what is the thought behind this feeling? Once you’re clear on the thought, examine the belief beneath that thought.

For example, maybe you feel discouraged, and you feel that way because of the thought, “I’m not making enough progress,” and you’re thinking that thought because you believe “If I don’t make progress fast enough, it means I’m bad at this."

Journaling prompts

  • Right now, I’m feeling...

  • The thought creating this feeling is...

  • I’m only thinking this thought because I believe…

Minute 2: Source

Next, investigate where this belief came from! Was it a belief you inherited from a parent, or a belief you created to make meaning out of an event or series of events? 

We humans are meaning-making machines, and we often read into things in order to make sense of the world. But if you fell down the first time you tried to walk, does that mean you’re “bad at walking”

Take a critical look at where your limiting belief originated.

Journaling prompts

  • This belief came from a time when...

  • Which I interpreted as...

  • But what I needed to hear back then was…

Minute 3: Evaluate

Honestly analyze the ways this belief is serving you, and the ways it’s hurting you. There will probably be ways this belief has kept you safe, or saved you from disappointment, or helped you keep the peace with a family member.

There will also be ways this belief is hurting you — by keeping you stuck, or stopping you from pursuing your dreams, or preventing authentic, honest connections with others.

Journaling prompts

  • Until now, this belief has benefited me by...

  • But it is also costing me...

  • And if I keep following it, the consequence will be…

Minute 4: New Belief

Now that you’ve made an honest assessment of the old belief, you can decide on a new belief that serves you better! Tune into your highest and wisest self, the one that sees the whole of your situation, and is not held back by small limiting beliefs.

What new belief does your highest self know is true and will serve you well? Consider how this new belief will benefit you and empower you, and how it will make you feel.

Journaling prompts

  • My highest self knows that the truth is...

  • And because this is true, I can...

  • And knowing this makes me feel…

Minute 5: Future Pacing

Finally, “future pace” your new belief to start reinforcing it as part of your belief system! Imagine a scenario where you’ll be tempted to fall back into your old pattern, and decide now how you’ll choose to think and act instead, and how wonderful that will be.

For example, “In the future, when I go to the beach, I’ll be tempted to cover up my body and try to go unnoticed. But instead, I’ll remind myself that my differences make me beautiful, and perfection is a myth! Because I believe this, I’ll think to myself ‘I am beautiful!’ and I’ll walk onto the beach in my swimsuit, feeling so free and happy, and play in the water and have the most wonderful day.”

Journaling prompts

  • In the future, when _______ happens….

  • Instead of...  I will remind myself that…

  • And because I believe that, I will do…. and I will feel…


There are your 5 steps!

  1. Reflect

  2. Source

  3. Evaluate

  4. New Belief

  5. Future pace

Use these questions to quickly reset your mindset in just five minutes. Join my email list for a free worksheet you can use anytime you need a quick reset:


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