Why you feel "behind" in business and what to do about it


“I feel so behind in my business, life, or both… shouldn’t I be further along by now?”

Mind Made Up Podcast with Ashley Chymiy, Episode: Why you feel behind in life and how to reclaim your confidence

Many of us need a reality check when it comes to how long it really takes to get a business off the ground.

Maybe you bought into the story that making a million dollars (or the proverbial “six figures”) in your first year is the norm – and now you’ve been beating yourself up because your business isn’t profitable yet.

But the reality is that most businesses aren’t profitable until Year 3. And most only start really thriving somewhere between Year 7 and Year 10.

Tan France of the Fab Five won my heart forever when he said, “The first five years of business are always a shit show.” AMEN.

So join me in this episode for a dose of reality and resetting your expectations, so you can keep moving forward knowing you’re exactly where you’re meant to be!

(Listen to Mind Made Up on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.)

I hope you love this episode, and that you realize how amazing it is that you’re right here, right now – doing what you love, carving out your own path, and living your life authentically and courageously!

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Mind Made Up Podcast with Ashley Chymiy, Episode: Why you feel behind in life and how to reclaim your confidence

Feeling ready for your next chapter? Here’s a free gift designed to support you in following your path with confidence – so find a cozy spot, pour your favorite drink, and let’s dive into your business together:

If you'd like support in your business and taking confident action without fear getting in the way, click here to learn about private coaching and how we can work together ♥

Always in your corner,


P.S. A free gift for you:

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