Outgrowing your business? Here's how to pivot in a new direction


“My business just doesn’t excite me anymore… but how can I pivot when I’m afraid to let go of what I’ve built?”

Mind Made Up Podcast with Ashley Chymiy, Episode: How to pivot when you've outgrown your business

The business you started at the beginning may have been exciting at the time, and felt like a whole new world to explore! …but a year or two (or more) later, you may be wondering if it’s really what you want.

On the one hand, you’ve worked hard to start this business (or run this blog, podcast, or other platform). It may feel safe and comfortable to stay where you’re at – even if your heart isn’t in it right now.

On the other hand, you may be feeling bored, losing your passion, or struggling to stay committed to your vision – and wondering if something is wrong with you. Maybe something else is calling your name, but you’re hesitant to go for it…

This episode of Mind Made Up is for you! Let’s explore what happens when you outgrow your business, and how to connect with your next chapter… so you can move forward with confidence.

(Listen to Mind Made Up on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play)

I’ve been in this place a few times in my business – and if you want to sustain your energy and passion for your work, you need to be able to recognize when you’ve outgrown your business…

And you need to be willing to try something new, and trust yourself to follow your path forward!

It’s time to slow down, follow the simple steps laid out in the episode, and give yourself the gift of redirection… so you can get closer to where you want to be, making the difference you’re here to make.

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Feeling ready for your next chapter? Here’s a free gift designed to support you in elevating and re-aligning your business with your latest passions! It’s free to download – so find a cozy spot, pour your favorite drink, and let’s dive into your business together:

If you'd like support in your business and taking confident action without fear getting in the way, click here to learn about private coaching and how we can work together ♥

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P.S. A free gift for you:

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