How to Turn Confusion & Overwhelm into Clarity & Peace


Are you in a season of confusion and restlessness in your business?

Maybe you have a sense that it’s time to move on, but you’re not sure exactly where you’re headed… or maybe you’re feeling discouraged because a project didn’t go as planned, and now you’re left holding the pieces and wondering how to move forward.

It may all start to feel like too much… heavy feelings, crowded thoughts, obstacles at every turn, and a longing to go back to when things felt certain, straightforward, and easy.

It may sound hard to believe, but you are in the beautiful place, my friend… and this post is for you!

Catch the short video below, and then drop down to the blog post below to begin doing the work of finding your way through the fog.

This is for you if:

  • You’re feeling directionless and unsure what’s next for you… you know you can’t stay here, but where are you headed?

  • You feel discouraged and like none of the seeds you planted in your business are flourishing as you hoped.

  • Your mind feels full of noise and conflicting thoughts, at once pulling you forward and pushing you back in your seat.


Note: I created this video right after the pandemic started, but it genuinely applies to any season of confusion or uncertainty in your business.

Did you catch the video? Super! Then you know the truth about chaos and disorder. And why NOW is the time when your next breakthrough is most likely to happen! Now, we can address it at the source :)

Here are the steps to gently guide yourself through…

1. Pinpoint the chaos

Where in your life or business do you feel a sense of chaos? Knowing where to focus and defining what area needs attention will help you direct your energy strategically

Complete this thought: “I feel a sense of chaos in…”

  • How to organize my business and handle all my work.

  • What direction to take my business in.

  • What I should do next to break through my current roadblock.

  • Etc.

2. Acknowledge how you feel

How does this sense of chaos/confusion make you feel? What emotions are brewing as a result of this sense of chaos and confusion?

“I feel…”

  • Worried

  • Anxious

  • Disappointed

  • Unsupported

  • Etc.

3. Identify the Thought

And while you’re at it, can you pinpoint the thought beneath the feeling?

“The thought behind this feeling is…

  • I need to find a way forward.

  • I’m not in control right now.

  • I’m back here again? I should be better than this.

  • Etc.

4. define the vision

When this season is fully complete, what will be different? Get clear on your vision for what the future holds and what will be true once this confusion is resolved.

Once this confusion is over, I’ll know because…”*

  • I’ll have total clarity on how to spend my time. I’ll feel a sense of focus and certainty, and trust myself to invest my energy well.

  • I’ll feel confident on my next steps. I’ll have faith that my efforts will lead me forward, and trust myself to figure it out as I go.

  • I’ll be excited about my work again. I’ll start each day feeling passionate and purposeful, knowing what I’m going to do.

  • I’ll feel peaceful and at ease about my finances. I’ll know that I have enough and that money is flowing to me at the right pace.

  • Etc.

*Tip! Avoid describing what things won’t look like: I don’t want, I won’t, I’ll stop, I’ll quit, etc… instead, focus on affirming what you DO want and what you WILL do.

5. Make a move (any move) in that direction

What is one way you can step back and create space to begin creatively exploring and moving towards the light at the end of the tunnel? Ideally it should be something you do away from your computer and on your own, or with a trusted friend, mentor, or coach.

Choose one action you can take in the next 24 hours to roll up your sleeves and dig into the problem, to step bravely into the chaos and see what you find.

It doesn’t need to be the final solution, it just needs to be your first step forward. For example:

  • I will visualize and journal about what I want in my business.

  • I will use post-its to map out my business goals & priorities.

  • I will meet a friend to talk through my ideas and get feedback.

  • I will start reading a book about reaching my goals.

  • Etc.

From here on, your path will be determined by you!

Finding your way through overwhelm and confusion is really just about summoning the courage to get started. As soon as you stop avoiding or resisting the feeling of overwhelm, and get started exploring and experimenting, the hardest part is done… the creative process will take over, and your next steps will gradually become clear :)


That’s the path forward, friend!

  1. Pinpoint where you feel confusion

  2. Acknowledge how it makes you feel

  3. Define the thought behind the feeling

  4. Imagine what you want instead of the confusion, and

  5. Choose one creative way you can start exploring the chaos and moving towards your goal.

Remember: chaos isn’t the beginning of the end… it’s the start of a whole new beginning! The first of the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success is the Law of Pure Potentiality: In chaos lies pure potential. Anything can come from chaos and disorder, and literally anything is possible.

So even if your inner control freak tries to talk you into going back to the stable ground you knew… allow your inner visionary to thrive, explore, and play wholeheartedly in the mess, until the answer emerges.

And of course, you can always find a coach or mentor who resonates with you, can hold space for you, has familiarity with the path you’re walking, and can support you in navigating and organizing your ideas.

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