Stop feeling "sales-y," and start selling by serving!


“I want to sell with confidence, but I hate feeling sales-y or pushy…”

If this sounds like you, I have a simple tip to shift how you think about selling, into seeing it as the beautiful service it is!

Catch the video below for the technique, and then drop down into the post below for a few questions to help you integrate this shift in your mind.

This is for you if:

  • You want to sell your amazing offers, but the idea of selling or creating a sales funnel makes you hesitant… you don’t want to be pushy!

  • You’re making sales, but it feels awkward or out of character for you, because you’re trying to convince people to buy.

  • You wish you could sell your offers just by serving your community with an open heart.


Did you catch the video? Super! Then you know ONE simple tip to shift how you think about selling.

Let’s explore this idea below, and really integrate it into your mind so the next time you’re selling, you can feel confident and aligned!

Q1: How do you like to feel as a guest?

When you’re welcomed as a guest, what makes your experience enjoyable? Imagine you’ve just walked through the door to a new place you’ve never been before, and the host greets you… how do you like to be treated?

Maybe you like being told where things are and how things work, right on the front-end… or you’d rather explore the space gradually over the course of the day.

Maybe you like your host to ask questions about you and how you’d like to spend the day, or maybe you’d rather they lead the conversation and tell you about themselves, so you can sit back and relax.

There’s no right answer! Just imagine you’ve received an invitation to visit a neighbor – what do you hope your visit will be like?

Q2: What are your values in your business?

Thinking about your business overall, what are the values behind how you operate? What’s most important to you? For example, maybe your values include one of these…

  • Honesty

  • Kindness

  • Creativity

  • Peace

  • Empathy

  • Clarity

  • Courage

  • Adventure

  • Etc.

If you haven’t figured out the core values in your business yet, choose just one that resonates with you, and then move on to Q3!

Q3: How do your values show up in the way you sell?

How does each value impact your sales process and experience for your customers? Write 2-3 sentences describing how each value impacts the way you sell and your customers feel through your sales process!

Example: Because I value honesty, I’m transparent and straightforward about my offers. I want my people to know what I’m selling, how I can help, and what their investment will be. So when they’re ready to get started, they already know what to do. I want them to feel fully informed and comfortable when they decide to invest.

Example: Because I value progress, I want my clients and customers to feel like they’re always moving forward, and their next step is always clear. I want them to feel at ease because I am there to help them choose their next step, whether that’s answering a question, trying out a technique, or getting on a discovery call with me.

Q4: Write an affirmation!

Write a simple statement affirming what you love about selling! Maybe you love getting to guide clients through the process, or maybe you love learning about your new clients.

Creating a simple affirmation for yourself will help you show up to your next sales conversation or content creation process with a positive mindset and energy.

“I love selling because…”


  • …because it’s my first opportunity to lead my customer on their path.

  • …because it allows me a glimpse into my customer’s world.

  • …because I can help my customer make a confident decision.

  • …because it’s an opportunity for us to find solutions together.

  • …because I can trust my customer to make the right choice for her.

  • etc.


There you have it! Treat selling like hosting, and creating an experience for your “guests” – your customers!

Make their options clear, be upfront about how you can help them, and don’t forget to honor the same values you hold dear in your business.

And of course, you can always find a coach or mentor who resonates with you, and can support you in leveling up your sales mindset, so you can welcome in your next clients with open arms and a grateful heart.

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