Posts tagged persistence
Resilience as a New Entrepreneur

Hello, wonderful you! Ashley here, coming at you analog-style.

That’s right – I’m writing this post with a good old fashioned pen, on good old-fashioned paper, using my good old-fashioned hand. (Okay, it has to be typed up at some point, but this draft is totally old school).

Why am I writing this blog post by hand? Well, just moments ago, I was settling in at my desk to write my weekly-ish blog post. I’ve worked over the past few months to maintain a regular blogging habit, and it was time to reinforce it.

But just as I pulled open a new document, the power went out.

Yep – no flickering, no off, then on, then back off. Just out, FOREVER.

Okay, not forever. It will come back on eventually I’m sure (unless this is the end of the world, in which case this day is going very differently from what I expected).

I’ll be honest – for a split-second I thought, “Oh well! Too bad! The universe doesn’t want me to blog, I guess. After all, my blog post ideas are in a Word doc I obviously can’t access right now.”

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Become Your OWN Productivity Coach

Hey there friend – if you’re reading this, you may struggle with productivity and motivating yourself to take action. As a result, you may feel totally stuck in your current situation.

If that’s you, I SO feel your pain. Trust me. I want you to know, first of all, that you are not alone.

Here’s my story.

Not so long ago, I struggled hard with feeling unhappy in my career. I hit my five-year anniversary of working at a large firm on marketing contracts with major brands and programs. The work was engaging and rewarding, and my coworkers and clients were incredible. But it was just so, so far away from the hopes and dreams I had for my career.

I needed to take steps in a new direction, and I knew generally what I needed to do, but the road seemed so long and difficult. I couldn’t even make myself start.

I was stuck in a loop of negative self-talk.

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